Motus Continue In Surrey
With a population of approximately 1.1 million residents, Surrey County is one of the most affluent and important counties in the United Kingdom.
Motus Traffic were first contracted to maintain and inspect the then +650 signal sites in April 2009, developing a positive relationship with Surrey County Councils Highways team. This relationship has gone from strength to strength through delivery of an adapting service of the highest quality. The initial contract was for 3 years with the possibility of 2 x 1 year extensions which Motus Traffic were successfully awarded.
Surrey County Council was Motus Traffic’s stepping point on our journey into delivering maintenance services for the traffic signal industry. Together with Surrey County Council we have set a standard of service delivery that we are extremely proud of and continue to improve on in our aim to be “The Best”. Working with Surrey County Council we have listened to the communities of Surrey and have integrated a sense of responsibility in all who work with us to achieve Surrey County Council’s goals in providing the best traffic signal infrastructure to those affected by our works.
Motus are extremely happy and proud that our relationship with Surrey County Council will continue into the future.
As of 1st April 2014 Motus Traffic Limited were selected to continue delivering the high quality service expected of the Surrey population in the area of Traffic Signal Maintenance and Inspections.
The contract is split over 2 separate lots:
- - Traffic Control Systems – Lot 1. Inspections Contract -
- - Traffic Control Systems – Lot 2. Maintenance Contract -
The contract incorporates 718 sites over approximately 758 square miles, divided into 9 geographical “Traffic Systems Areas” throughout 11 separate Borough and District Authorities.
The contract includes maintenance and routine inspections of the following site types:
- - Traffic Signal Junctions
- - Pelican, Puffin, Toucan and Pegasus Crossings
- - Variable Message Signs (both Strategic and Car Park)
- - Rising Bollards
- - Car Park Count Equipment
- - Fire Station Wig Wags
- - Secret Signs
The Motus team wish to thank Surrey County Council for the continued opportunity to work with the population and authorities of Surrey in delivering services and products that are of the highest quality and give low cost solutions without compromise.